Academic Regulations, Policies & Procedures 2022/23 (ARPP)

A revised series of Academic Regulations, Policies and Procedures (ARPP) has been published for academic year 2022/23. 

The series is presented in 11 sections as detailed in document 1A - Index. All forms, templates and flowcharts appear within each section underneath the relevant document (clearly referenced to the related document). An overview of the key changes and a more detailed summary of changes are available within Section 1 of the ARPP. 

Any queries regarding individual documents should be discussed directly with the relevant document owners as detailed on the front page of each document.

1: Introduction & Index 

2: Awards & Curriculum

3: Admissions

          3.1: Admissions Regulations

          3.2: Admissions, Transfer & RPL Policies & Procedures

4: Programme Approval, Review & Modification

5: Framework Management, Monitoring & Student Feedback 

6: Assessment Regulations, Policies & Procedures

7: Partnerships

8: Research Degrees / Research

9: QAEG & Internal Peer Review/Audit

10: Committee Management & Records Retention

11: Student Appeals, Complaints & Conduct


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